Friday, March 7, 2008

Hoo to Create Valuable Quality Family Time

Hoo to Create Valuable Quality Family Time

 by: Rochelle Hawks

Many people in the world today find themselves

working 60-80 hours each and every week. Losing

considerable quality family time, enabling them

the time to truly enjoy their lives. Many parent are

stuck leaving their children to day care facilities,

rather than being home to raise them their selves.

There never seems to enough hours in the day to

enjoy life to the fullest.

It is firstly most important to stay focused on

what is really important. Set aside time to share

valuable family time. During this time, do not

allow for phone conversations and other interruption.

Let everyone work together on projects, chores, or a

recreational activity.

Set small specific goals. Small goals are easier to

accomplish. For instance, instead of promising to

spend more time with your family; promise to spend

an hour each day or night with your family. This

is much easier to achieve and can be successfully


Sometimes spending more time with your family is simply

a choice. How do you choose to spend your time? Make

the decision, and Choose to spend extra time with your

family each day, it is a worthwhile choice. Once you

see how you and your family benefit from this you will

be motivated to set additional time and larger goals.

What does it take to have more time available for your

family? How do other people create invaluable family


In order to create the freedom to have more time

available to dedicate to family time, you need leverage.

It is leverage that allows people to be free of demanding

work hours and money restraints. Think about this...

Every successful person who has ample time to spend on

family time or anything else that he or she desires, has

the leverage to do so. Leverage can give you the

potential of limitless possibilities and change of

lifestyle and freedom.

It's all about making a decision, making a choice.

Placing a higher value on irreplaceable family time.

Setting your goals and creating the leverage to achieve

your goals, Thus, setting yourself free of the demands

of your over worked schedule and creating a life of

memorable quality family time.

Entrepreneur and Home business owner who teaches

people how to create leverage in their life to

create freedom & success. Find out how...

Rochelle Hawks

About The Author

Rochelle Hawks, Entrepreneur and Home Business owner who teaches people how to create leverage in their life to create freedom & success. Find out how...

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