Monday, August 18, 2008

Cooling At Lower Costs With Industrial Evaporative Coolers

Cooling At Lower Costs With Industrial Evaporative Coolers

 by: Matthew Anderson

Large Air Coolers – For Industries Only

In some places in industries, a lower temperature (compared to atmospheric) is required from process point of view or from comfort point of view. Air conditioning is out of question, as it would require large capital and huge running payment of electricity bills. Evaporative cooling is the solution in this case. This is just a scaled up model of home air coolers.

Working Principle Of Evaporative Coolers

Evaporative cooling is known to humanity since ages. Earthen clay pots have been providing coldwater during summer when there was no air conditioning or refrigeration. The fired clay pots have tiny holes through which water comes out and when it comes to surface, it evaporates. The heat required for evaporation is taken out from the water inside the pot. The heat transfer from the water is possible only because of the tiny passage in earthenware pots. The same principle is used in industrial evaporative coolers.

Air circulating fans draw air through a curtain of water. The water trickles down a path and during passage; water is broken down to tiny droplets giving it a large surface area. Air drawn through these tiny droplets and is cooled the same way as it happens in an earthen pot. The cold is circulated through the industrial installation. This gives installation an air which has a lower than atmospheric temperature. Evaporative cooling gives you comfortable atmosphere when outside is too hot to bear.

Advantages Of Evaporative Cooling

Advantage of evaporative cooling is the initial low cost and low operating costs. All that is required is the water pumps and the air circulating fans. The whole set up is compact. Evaporative cooling is the only method of removing large quantity of heat from cooling water used in many industrial plants. Here instead of removing heat from atmospheric air, heat from water is rejected to atmospheric air.

About The Author

Matthew Anderson adds regularly reviews on air conditioners to An online information magazine about the basics of how evaporative air coolers work and some of the advantages of the technology for a good air conditioning. Find your industrial cooler at

Why Use a Weight Lifting Supplement?

Why Use a Weight Lifting Supplement?

 by: Aaron Anderton

What is the big deal about nutritional supplements for athletes? Is a sports nutrition supplement going to make that much of a difference? If you have ever asked yourself these questions, sit tight and be prepared to find the answer right here. The answer is an unequivocal “YES!” Let me tell you why.

The other day I was driving past a high school with my family. It was late afternoon and the athletic teams had just finished their practices. About 4 or 5 boys were walking nearby with their shirts off, and they were ripped! Not an ounce of fat on them, and they had some muscle also. My wife said to me, “I don’t remember the guys I went to school with, looking like that.” I told her that I knew some, but that she was right. There is no doubt that the athletes today look leaner and more muscular in general than they did 20 years ago. There is a reason for that too. The biggest reason for the improvement in the physiques of athletes over the last 20 years is the advancement in weight lifting supplements.

Some people like to say that training has changed dramatically as well, but let me tell you, it has not. Sure there are new innovations now and then, but most of the “New” ideas are just recycled workouts from the past. Now, I am not saying that training has not improved, because it has, but the biggest improvement in the training of athletes, is that training knowledge is more readily available.

Some others would have you believe that the improved physiques are due to steroids, but that also, is pure nonsense. Again, I know that some athletes use steroids, but a smaller percentage of athletes use them now, than used them in the 1970’s. Besides, when you look at the athletes from the seventies, even the ones who used steroids, the average athlete’s physique then cannot compare with the physique of the average athlete today.

The biggest reason for all of this is Weight Lifting Supplements. Protein shakes 20 years ago were low-quality, grainy and relatively hard to find. Nobody knew about creatine supplementation, fat burners, and quality meal replacement powders. Many nutritionists will tell you that you can get all of the nutrients you need from regular food, and they are right. The only problem is that it takes time and money to prepare the highest quality food into proper meals with the right balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Many people have realized that taking a multi-vitamin is one way to make sure that they provide their bodies with all of the vitamins and minerals they need, just in case they don’t get it from whole foods. The same holds true for protein, carbohydrates and fats. We know that some forms of these are better than others, and sports nutrition supplements address this issue by providing us with the best forms available.

Protein powders and bars are available now that provide a person with the best, most useful forms of protein available in delicious flavors. You don’t have to cook or refrigerate them, and you can take them with you anywhere. Quick and easy. Can you believe that there are protein supplements now that provide a continuous release of protein into your bloodstream for 12 hours? That means that even while you sleep, your body will have an endless supply of building blocks to repair and build new muscle!

A meal replacement powder allows a person to consume a meal with all of the nutrients they need without all of the extra calories. This is fantastic for building and maintaining muscle mass while losing extra body fat. If you replace one or two whole food meals with a meal replacement powder, you will be consuming less calories, and providing your body with more nutrients than you would have gotten with the whole food. If you add a fat burner, you will dramatically improve those results. Many of the weight lifting supplements called fat burners, are made to concentrate on causing the body to not only burn more calories, but to take those calories from your fat deposits!

Creatine supplementation was THE breakthrough of the 1990’s. The idea that you could force more energy into your muscles so that they could perform more work for longer periods of time was finally a reality. The next step was to add a form of carbohydrate such as dextrose to elevate your insulin levels when you consumed creatine, causing more of it to be absorbed into the muscles. Now we have new generation formulas of Creatine that increase the effectiveness of the supplement while eliminating the water retention and upset stomachs that some of the older versions caused. Creatine is definitely the top nutritional supplement for athletes interested in improved strength, speed and stamina!

What is the big deal about nutritional supplements for athletes? Is a sports nutrition supplement going to make that much of a difference? If you have ever asked yourself these questions, sit tight and be prepared to find the answer right here. The answer is an unequivocal “YES!” Let me tell you why.

The other day I was driving past a high school with my family. It was late afternoon and the athletic teams had just finished their practices. About 4 or 5 boys were walking nearby with their shirts off, and they were ripped! Not an ounce of fat on them, and they had some muscle also. My wife said to me, “I don’t remember the guys I went to school with, looking like that.” I told her that I knew some, but that she was right. There is no doubt that the athletes today look leaner and more muscular in general than they did 20 years ago. There is a reason for that too. The biggest reason for the improvement in the physiques of athletes over the last 20 years is the advancement in weight lifting supplements.

Some people like to say that training has changed dramatically as well, but let me tell you, it has not. Sure there are new innovations now and then, but most of the “New” ideas are just recycled workouts from the past. Now, I am not saying that training has not improved, because it has, but the biggest improvement in the training of athletes, is that training knowledge is more readily available.

Some others would have you believe that the improved physiques are due to steroids, but that also, is pure nonsense. Again, I know that some athletes use steroids, but a smaller percentage of athletes use them now, than used them in the 1970’s. Besides, when you look at the athletes from the seventies, even the ones who used steroids, the average athlete’s physique then cannot compare with the physique of the average athlete today.

The biggest reason for all of this is Weight Lifting Supplements. Protein shakes 20 years ago were low-quality, grainy and relatively hard to find. Nobody knew about creatine supplementation, fat burners, and quality meal replacement powders. Many nutritionists will tell you that you can get all of the nutrients you need from regular food, and they are right. The only problem is that it takes time and money to prepare the highest quality food into proper meals with the right balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Many people have realized that taking a multi-vitamin is one way to make sure that they provide their bodies with all of the vitamins and minerals they need, just in case they don’t get it from whole foods. The same holds true for protein, carbohydrates and fats. We know that some forms of these are better than others, and sports nutrition supplements address this issue by providing us with the best forms available.

Protein powders and bars are available now that provide a person with the best, most useful forms of protein available in delicious flavors. You don’t have to cook or refrigerate them, and you can take them with you anywhere. Quick and easy. Can you believe that there are protein supplements now that provide a continuous release of protein into your bloodstream for 12 hours? That means that even while you sleep, your body will have an endless supply of building blocks to repair and build new muscle!

A meal replacement powder allows a person to consume a meal with all of the nutrients they need without all of the extra calories. This is fantastic for building and maintaining muscle mass while losing extra body fat. If you replace one or two whole food meals with a meal replacement powder, you will be consuming less calories, and providing your body with more nutrients than you would have gotten with the whole food. If you add a fat burner, you will dramatically improve those results. Many of the weight lifting supplements called fat burners, are made to concentrate on causing the body to not only burn more calories, but to take those calories from your fat deposits!

Creatine supplementation was THE breakthrough of the 1990’s. The idea that you could force more energy into your muscles so that they could perform more work for longer periods of time was finally a reality. The next step was to add a form of carbohydrate such as dextrose to elevate your insulin levels when you consumed creatine, causing more of it to be absorbed into the muscles. Now we have new generation formulas of Creatine that increase the effectiveness of the supplement while eliminating the water retention and upset stomachs that some of the older versions caused. Creatine is definitely the top nutritional supplement for athletes interested in improved strength, speed and stamina!

Weight lifting supplements are very affordable today. Because of the great demand for these amazing sports nutrition supplements, there is a lot of competition between companies selling them. This competition has caused the prices to drop, which is great for everybody who wants a better body! It is unbelievable to think that we now have access to all of these great weight lifting supplements, with more on the way everyday, and that we can get them so quickly and cheaply. You can go online and order any supplement in a matter of minutes, and have it delivered to your door in only a few days! How can you beat that?

All of this talk about food and supplements has made me hungry. I am going to go drink a protein shake and have a protein bar right now. What are you waiting for?

About The Author

Aaron Anderton has been lifting weights for over 20 years, competing in Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, Highland Games, and Strongman over the years. Aaron and his brother Sam own No Limits Physique which is a website devoted to weight lifting and it’s related sports. Loaded with information about training, nutrition and supplementation.

The Healing Qualities of Clinical Hypnosis

The Healing Qualities of Clinical Hypnosis

 by: Anne Wolski

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring altered state of consciousness in which the subconscious part of your mind is accessed enabling the hypnotist to affect a particular problem by suggestion. Basically, the individual is put into a trance-like state which allows one’s attention to focus on a particular suggestion while being free of distraction.

Many people fear being hypnotized because they falsely believe they will have to give up control of their mind. Not true. Think about when you are so engrossed in a movie and you find yourself in tears. During these movies you are so involved that you actually felt emotion. You were literally in a hypnotic trance. Most importantly, though, you still had the power to emerge from that state if desired. Your mind may be guided by a movie, self-hypnosis tape, or hypnotist, but you still have the power to resist. If you fully believe and acknowledge that you have the power to resist any control of emotions, then hypnosis is nothing to fear.

Your mind is an untapped source of amazing power. If you change your mind, you must change your life. The most effective way to do this is to change your subconscious mind. Hypnosis is widely recognised as the easiest method we can employ to change the subconscious mind.

Hypnosis can be used as a healing tool in a variety of problems including:

Weight loss, Quit smoking, Insomnia, Stress management, Self esteem, Motivation, Memory, and Gambling.

When used as an accessory to psychotherapy, hypnosis can help clients enter a relaxed, comfortable, trance state for obtaining specific therapeutic outcomes. With clinical hypnosis, the therapist can make suggestions designed to help the client formulate specific internal processes (feelings, memories, images and internal self-talk) that will lead to mutually-agreed-upon outcomes.

Although clinical hypnosis is widely recognised as an effective method of treatment in many conditions, it doesn’t always work for everyone. Many people need a combination of various methods of therapy and hypnosis is often used with other forms of treatment. However, the anecdotal evidence of the healing qualities of hypnosis would indicate that it is, indeed, an extremely effective option.

It is not even necessary to be hypnotised by a hypnotherapist as such. There are many self-hypnosis CDs and videos available on the market today. These allow you to affect change in the comfort of your own home.

It’s really a misleading notion when people say they were hypnotized. What they really mean is that they allowed their mind to be hypnotized or they allowed a hypnotist to give suggestions that they chose to follow. Just remember that no one controls your mind unless you first grant permission!

Copyright 2005 Anne Wolski

About The Author

Anne Wolski has worked within the health and welfare industry for more than 30 years. Go to to see many wonderful health articles, many of them written by doctors and others who have been involved in the health industry for many years.

Mangement Through Measurement

Mangement Through Measurement

 by: Rodney Boettger

In 1996, in the movie Jerry McGuire, actor Cuba Gooding, Jr. made famous the phrase “Show Me the Money!” Ten years later, a variation of that command, now “Show Me the Data!” rings in conference rooms throughout the country. Managers far and wide, at least the successful ones, are looking at the data. Don’t tell me your opinion, show me the data. Can you back it up with data?

If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Companies may be able to survive for a while if managers aren’t using data to make decisions, but they will eventually see their demise; likely sooner than later. Those companies to benchmark off are the ones who are not only surviving, but thriving! Pick your favorite phrase: TQM, Process Management, Quality Circles, Improvement Teams, Standards and Measurement departments or any other title you prefer. The function is the same. Look at baseline data – percentages, dollars, hours, quantities – and continuously monitor the performance.

There should not be any task that a supervisor or staff members perform that cannot be measured. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Take a fast food restaurant for example. There are a plethora of areas that can be measured such as days without an accident, customer wait time in line, length of time burgers are in the warmer, amount of money off in the drawers, customer complaints, etc. Graph it out and keep a spread sheet of your figures. Clearly you’re looking for improvement. If there was a decline, brainstorm, find the root cause and then fix the problem.

The process is the same no matter what industry you’re managing. Whether you manufacture widgets, if you are the CEO of an internet marketing firm or if you sell cookies, take a look at all the steps involved in day to day operations. Assign values to the process. Set goals. Review the results on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Remember, if you can’t measure it, you can’t mange it. Charts and graphs are an excellent tool to visually remind you of where you have been and where you plan to go.

In the midst of measuring your subordinates’ performance, don’t neglect to measure and manage your own operations. Don’t think for a minute that your boss isn’t looking at your performance. And if you’re the top dog, you had better be managing yourself well, or you will never succeed at managing others.

About The Author

Rodney Boettger’s consulting firm helps business market effectively without spending more money on advertising through a growth performance guaranteed system. An extensive DIY small business action plan is available free on their website at

Miracle Marketing Revealed

Miracle Marketing Revealed

 by: Casey Tyler

Marketing strategies are very important to every business, large and small. I've seen a lot of businesses in my time take almost a cavalier attitude toward marketing. As if they say to themselves "Ok, I have to advertise. Here is some money let me know how it goes." I assure you there is or should be more to it than that. People today are always looking for the quick fix, the instant gratification. I see it all to often as I am sure you have. The post in the blah blah forums asking "What is the best way to advertise". I do have the answer. Are you ready. The answer is........It depends. It depends on who your market is. What age group are you targeting? What demographic are you stalking? If you can answer these questions you are on the right track for success. The answer is not a simple one. Most often the answer is a medley of different answers and quite often one that nobody hasn’t thought of yet.

When advertising, never do it out of emotion. When starting an advertising campaign make sure it can be tracked. Weather you pay for it or not, if you can’t track it, your wasting your time and or money. Lets say you want to start an opt-in e-mail campaign. You send out 300,000 e-mails. You get 3000 responses(by the way, that is extremely good). Where did the they come from. Why didn’t they or did they buy? If you can learn something from it that makes the next campaign better it is not a failure. By constantly analyzing and readjusting your campaigns, you can zero in on the most effective form of advertising possible for your specific business. In the words of Colin Powell, "There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."

Most hosting companies today offer web site analysis software. Use it! I can not stress this enough. Its amazing to me how many webmasters don’t know what there highest traffic days are. How many unique visitors are you getting? What is the most popular page on your web site? What is the least? What time of day does the bulk of your visitors show? There is so much useful information that can be harvested from these programs. I had a friend of mine come to me and asked for my help. He was getting a lot of visitors to his site but they were leaving and not buying. He did know that but he should have dug deeper. After reviewing his site statistic reports I noticed that a lot of shopping carts were being abandoned. This isn't really all that uncommon accept for the fact that 90% were being abandoned at a specific point in the check out process. I ran through the check out process myself and discovered that selecting payment page was very confusing. I let him know about it. After fixing the issue his sales went up 150%. That’s huge! How much would you pay to increase your business 150%? This is one of many examples of the potential benefits of knowing the visitor flow and behavior of your site.

Don’t let your ego get in the way. Don’t get dragged into an advertising war with a competitor. Its human nature to be competitive and that isn't necessarily a bad thing but it can turn into a disaster if it gets the best of you. Just take a look at Google Adwords. I've seen certain search terms as high as $3000.00. I've seen businesses fold partly due to there advertising budget that had gotten out of control.

Always have a plan. Always know were you are going, were you are now, and were you have been. If you follow these simple guidelines, success is just a matter of time.

About The Author

Casey Tyler is an internet marketer and owner of He can be reached at

Extra-Cute Baby Outfits

Extra-Cute Baby Outfits

 by: Kirsten Hawkins

Parents live vicariously through their children and play dress-up.

One of the joys of being the parent of an infant comes in the form of choosing cute outfits for the baby to wear. Over the years, parents have narrowed this down to an art, finding and choosing the most adorable outfits that they can imagine and making it seem that every day is Halloween for their infants and toddlers. While scary and grotesque outfits rarely show up on a baby even during the actual Halloween holiday, there are plenty of parents that like to dress their sons as baseball players and their daughters as princesses. It’s almost as if the parents start to relive a second childhood through their infants and just want to play dress-up.

And that’s ok. It’s part of being a parent.

The Sailor

“We want you as a new recruit,” sang the Village People at the close of the 1970s in a song so popular that the US Navy thought of making it an official theme until someone finally advised the top brass what it implied. People love ships and sailors, though, and have been dressing their baby boys in naval inspired clothes for nearly a hundred years. The reasons aren’t very clear but it seems that every little boy or grown man comes across pictures of himself as an infant or toddler in a sailor’s suit at one time or another. If he could speak he might say, “Batten down the hatches and swab the poopdeck, matey! And, unless I get a little help bottom-side, poopdeck may take on a whole new meaning!”

The Baseball Player

Every father imagines his son standing atop the mound in Yankee Stadium, three pitches away from a perfect game in the last inning of the last game of the World Series. Even men who never excelled in sports themselves seem to have a burning desire to see their sons go on to be the next big thing in Major League Baseball. It’s the only feasible explanation for the popularity of baby boys’ baseball outfits. These are more common than the sailor suits and can be purchased in run of the mill stores like Wal-Mart, Kmart, and Target. Your boy may not be the next Nolan Ryan or even the next Bob Uecker, but you can dream that he is as you admire him in his little uniform. These come in versions licensed by real Major League ball clubs and generic versions that just share some team colors.

The Princess

Little baby girls don’t escape the dress-up play imposed by their parents, but are outfitted in more traditional items like frilly dresses, white tights, and little patent leather shoes. Their mothers may imagine them to be princesses, prom queens, or debutants, but mostly just do their best to make them beautiful. Since all babies are beautiful and the only thing more beautiful than the average baby is your baby, they don’t have to try too hard.

About The Author

Kirsten Hawkins is a baby and parenting expert specializing new mothers and single parent issues. Visit for more information on how to raising healthy, happy children.

Responding or Reacting, Which Should I Choose?

Responding or Reacting, Which Should I Choose?

 by: Arthur Buchanan

What should I do respond or react? Responding is positive and reacting is negative. When you choose to respond to situation you stop and think what your next move should be. When you react, you make a quick judgment and sometimes choose wrong thing to do. Now which do you think you should use more often, responding or reacting?

When you stop and think about it responding is much more effective and shall give you more positive results than negative ones. If you choose to react to situation you’ll find that you get more negative results than positive, why because you don’t take time to think you just react. Someone pulls out in front of you in a car, and you start to beep your horn, not knowing if this will make that person mad or not, and we all know that in this day and age road rage is very common.

Now if we would have chosen to do nothing and just sit back and take a deep breath and think about the situation. Then decide that we were not going to get mad and that we where just going to let it go, and this entire move saves our life because the guy driving the other car would have gotten so mad he could chase us down and killed you.

I know this is in extreme example but it does happen, and people are killed every day for far less. That is one example why we should respond instead of react. Reacting breeds anger, hate, and feelings that are negative, responding may not always breed love but by what it does do, it gives us a chance to think about the situation and then decide what makes the most sense and what we have really wanted to do.

This will in turn help us to make the right decision. So now which do you think, you should choose responding or reacting the choice IS yours. That is one example of why you should respond instead of react. Responding breeds love and happiness, and the people that choose responding shall by far be the happier more loving person and shall go farther in this world.

People that choose reacting have less control over themselves and the judgments that they make, and will surely end up paying for it with the roadblocks in this life. How do I learn to respond? Good question, when something happens to you any kind of stuff that makes you mad, stop take a deep breath and try to understand what you think you should do and take each action that you so choose.

What can be the possible outcomes of all your choices, and then with a clear head choose the one that best fits your situation and choose it. You will find that doing this helps to make the right decision many more times than reacting ever could. Is this easier learned or said then done? It Is very hard when someone makes you mad or someone pulls out right in front of you in your car, it’s hard to learn not to respond instead of react, but with practice you can stop and think about your decision and how it makes you feel and act accordingly.

This just takes practice, is very achievable, and in the end shall make you a much happier person and that is what we are trying to achieve. What should I choose responding or reacting? I can tell you from experience that your life will be much more difficult if you choose reacting instead of responding, you will have a lot less fun and that you will have trouble at every corner possible.

You will not stop and think about your decisions, you would just go ahead and react, and this breeds negativity, which is always bad. Do you want to make your life tougher, than it needs to be, or would you like happiness calmness and peace, love, happiness, and joy? I can tell you and can assure you that responding instead of reacting will help you to reach your goals quicker and you will have far fewer setbacks and this is what we want in our quest in Building The Perfect You.

So which are you like? Responding or reacting the choice IS yours you decide what best fits your life and what will further your life and make it better, easier, and more fun to enjoy what is going on around you.

The choice is up to you decide which is that you want responding, which is positive, or reacting, which is negative. I would surely hope that you would choose responding because the benefits are endless and you shall never be happier than when you will ever be in the responding mode, so please choose responding because reacting only breeds negativity pain hurting and the wrong decisions.

To respond is positive, to react is negative, and I believe if you look around today, you will clearly see that most people react, and you see the shape that the world is in. I must also point out that the people that are successful and make a mark in this world are the kind that respond and will go farther and succeed more often than the people that react.

So if you are not where you want to be in this life stop the and look and see if you are responding or reacting, because if you are not where you want to be, it could be just because you have been reacting instead of responding. So now is the time to start responding and throw away your old self, hide the reacting, put it is far back in your mind as you can and push responding to the front. You will find that your life is much more successful and it is much more meaningful this way and I am sure that you can see that responding not reacting is a way to go, don’t you agree?

About The Author

Arthur Buchanan

Listen to Arthur Buchanan on the Mike Litman Show! THIS LINK WORKS, LISTEN TODAY!

With Much Love,

Arthur Buchanan


Out of Darkness & Into the Light

43 Oakwood Ave. Suite 1012

Huron Ohio, 44839

567-219-0994 (cell)

What is “Shorting Stocks”?

What is “Shorting Stocks”?

 by: Cory Bain

What is “Shorting Stocks”?

The whole idea of shorting stocks is to make money from stocks that are going down in price. When you short stocks, you are essentially selling stocks that you have borrowed, in other words you do not personally own them.

First, you need to have a margin account in order to sell stocks short. A margin account allows the broker to extend credit to you, based on Federal guidelines. You must have at least 50% of the amount involved in short selling the stock as cash in your account. This shows that you have sufficient funds available to buy the stock back should it go against you. Lets look at an example.

ZYX Co. is trading at $23.00

You would need $1150 in your account to short sell 100 shares. You would receive a credit of $2300 less commissions. Overall, you would have a credit balance of $3450 in your account.

ZYX Co. goes to $18.00

You’ve made $500. Your credit balance is still $3450, but the market value of the stock is only $1800. So your equity is $1650 ($3450-$1800). Your paper profit at this point is $500.

Although you will always pay interest on money you borrow from the broker, you may be able to negotiate a better rate if you’re a preferred client or have a sizable account. You will also be charged by the broker for any cash or dividend payments on your short positions.

Assuming you are an average person without any insider information, the best time to short sell in general, is when the overall stock market is in a down trend. Even the best stocks go down in Bear Markets. If you’re just starting out, take small short positions, never short a stock that is rising in price, and use stop-losses to avoid big losses on your short positions.

To learn more about various investing topics, checkout

About The Author

Cory Bain operates an educational website to help people learn more about the options available to them, to becoming financially free. You can learn more at

iPod Radio – Well Maybe

iPod Radio – Well Maybe

 by: John A Thomas

Apple recently announced the release of the iPod Radio Remote. This little accessory combines a wired remote control with a FM radio receiver. It works with the iPod nano and the most recent generation (fifth) of iPods.

The iPod Radio Remote is a convenient way for music lovers to control their iPod and add FM radio for a reasonable price point. Using the remote, you can skip tracks and adjust the volume of your iPod even when it’s in a pocket or backpack. It’s main feature - lets you and listen to FM radio stations while it displays station and song information on the iPod’s screen.

“The iPod Radio Remote combines two great features in one elegant product,” Greg Joswiak, Apple’s iPod Marketing guy said recently. “The iPod Radio Remote is both the best remote control and the best FM radio listening experience for iPod.”

If you search the Apple iPod store online, you will also find a couple of competitors that launched similar products ahead of Apple. But I must admit, the Apple Radio Remote is a cleaner package. If you live in the city and get good FM reception, this is a nice little add-on. If you live in the burbs and are looking for great sound - similar to the quality that you get from your iPod, then forget about the iPod Radio Remote. Why, because it is like any other small FM radio, it needs a strong signal to give you decent sound.

But don’t give up, there is quite a lot happening in the real time audio market and you will have more choices in the coming months.

There were several rumors in 2005 about Apple and satellite radio for instance. "The iPod is the biggest, baddest thing around and satellite radio is this small, cool device," said Steve Mather, an analyst with Sander Morris Harris. "Put them together and it's the ultimate."

But there has been no evidence that such a dream machine is in the works. Earlier this year, Sirius Satellite Radio CEO Mel Karmazin said he had approached Steve Jobs, the chief of iPod maker Apple Computer, about a possible deal but said Jobs wasn't interested.

Sirius didn’t sit on its butt. They created their first portable device called the S50, a small, sleek device used with a docking port in your car. It is like a TiVo for radio. It automatically stores music for later listening. You can schedule recordings from both music and talk stations (with a firmware upgrade), save favorite songs, and link up to a PC to load music files. But… you can't see the song list for recorded music. The S50 is available only with a car kit and the controls are hard to use.

Not to be left out, XM recently unveiled a new satellite radio for spring ‘06. Like their initial radio, the new receiver will pick up satellite signals as you are walking around outside. No docking station is needed, which is a huge advantage over the Sirius S50. It also has 1 gigabyte of memory so that you can record 50 hours of radio play. Out doing the S50 - there are no restrictions on how or what you can record. In fact, XM has made it even easier to capture individual songs.

The new XM player also provides a "tag" feature that let’s you immediately purchase any song you hear from Napster's online store. When you reconnect the player to your computer, you can get those MP3's that you just purchased to create a mix of MP3's and radio content on the player.

XM now appears to be ahead of Sirius and Apple in the radio wars. To prove it they announced the XM Passport, a small card that can be plugged in and out of future XM enabled devices. With the passport card, you need only buy one subscription to XM radio to power a number of satellite receivers; just plug in your passport card.

About The Author

John Thomas is an author and business consultant who works with entrepreneurs and business owners. He takes time to pursue his passion for iPods at

Has Someone Stolen Your Identity? Here Are 8 Ways to Tell

Has Someone Stolen Your Identity? Here Are 8 Ways to Tell

 by: Howard Goff

Right now, someone could be using your identity to start a new credit card, to get a loan, to drain your checking or savings account. In some cases, you might not find out about the theft for weeks, sometimes even months. Unfortunately, the longer it takes to discover the crime, the more damage will be done and the harder it will be to rectify that damage.

Thankfully, there are some ways for you to detect identity theft before the problems progress too far. Below are some of those methods.

1. Errors on your credit report – By checking your credit report yearly, you'll be able to determine if anyone is opening up accounts in your name without your permission. Otherwise, you may not learn there is a problem until you need to take out credit.

2. Mail problems – One of the least-technological ways to commit identity theft is stealing mail. If you aren't receiving mail or if you aren't getting items in the mail that you are expecting, such as credit card bills, then you may be a victim of identity theft.

3. Being rejected for credit you didn't request – As you may already know, if a creditor rejects your request for credit, he or she must send you a letter in the mail explaining the reason for the rejection. If you begin getting these letters, but you haven't been requesting credit, then that's a good sign someone is using your identity.

4. Being the victim of pretexting – Pretexting is a scheme involving the Internet or the telephone. Someone contacts you claiming to be a legitimate organization's representative, then they'll ask for your personal information, possibly a PIN number or a checking account number. If that has happened to you and you've given out that information, then there's a good chance you'll be a victim in the near future.

5. Changes in your credit balances or checking account amounts – Unexplained changes in any of your financial accounts should be a big signal to you that something is not right. That's why it's a good idea to check all of your balances weekly and compare them to your estimates. As soon as you spot a discrepancy, you need to follow up with your financial institution.

6. Being denied credit – Sadly, some people don't discover they have been identity theft victims until they go to buy a car, get a second mortgage, or open a new credit card. If you thought you had good credit but are getting denied, then it's a good time to check your credit reports, even if you've already done your yearly check.

7. Being contacted by debt collectors – When you start getting calls or letters about unpaid debts, which you don't recall having, you should never automatically pay them. Instead, send a written request for more information about the debt. By law, the creditor must supply you with this information.

8. Having some types of spyware on your computer – While not all spyware leads to identity theft, you need to realize that it can pose a serious threat to your privacy. Your passwords, credit card information, and online activities could have been monitored by unknown third parties, which leave you vulnerable to an attack.

If you want to learn more about how to detect and prevent identity theft or if you have been an identity theft victim, you need to read Identity Theft: A Resource Guide from The ebook is available at

About The Author

Howard Goff teaches you how to reduce your risk of becoming an Identity Theft victim in his e-Book "Identity Theft, A Resource Guide". This article is just part of the incredible content contained in this 50-page gold mine of information. Get your free copy of this guide today at: Identity Theft. Howard Goff has 3 years of specialized experience in the security industry and has been involved in the Internet for over 15 years. He founded in early 2003 where his company has offered advice and security products to hundreds of thousands of people. Visitors to this website have access to an extensive FAQ and free Spyware Removal.

Giant Sequoias – Hiking Boole Tree Loop

Giant Sequoias – Hiking Boole Tree Loop

 by: Rick Chapo

The Giant Sequoia trees of California are a site to see. Despite heavy logging efforts, you can still hike through these massive trees on the Boole Tree Loop.

Giant Sequoia National Monument

The park system in central California is incredible. You have Sequoia National Park, the first national park ever designated in the country. Next to it is King Canyon National Park, created in 1940. Surrounding a good portion of these two is the new Giant Sequoia National Monument, designated such by President Clinton in 2000. The three parks form a sanctuary for incredible scenery, including the Giant Sequoias on the Boole Tree Loop hiking trail.

Although directions are included below, I have to mention the drive to Boole Tree is incredible. As you drive through Stump Meadow, you will see some of the biggest stumps in the world and get a real feel for what has been destroyed. The biggest is the Chicago Stump measuring 70 FEET around its perimeter. Sadly, the tree was cut down so it could be displayed in a museum in Chicago in the 1880s when such trees seemed plentiful.

The Boole Tree Loop is only 2.5 miles, but will take a couple of hours since you’ll be staring up in the air like an idiot and looking at some incredible views. Since it is a loop, you can go either direction you wish. The first part of the trail will wind through at least 40 Giant Sequoia stumps that will boggle your mind with their size. Passing these, you’ll head up to a plateau where you can look down upon valleys in the canyon with Spanish Mountain in the distance. Regardless of which way you go, you’ll eventually come upon Boole Tree.

Boole Tree is big, but not as big as many of the stumps you’ll see. Boole Tree stands roughly 275 feet high with a perimeter of some 35 feet. It is estimated to be over 2,000 years old and is one of the biggest living trees in the world. Ironically, the tree is named after a lumber mill owner that spared it. To bad he wasn’t feeling as gracious with the other Giant Sequoias as all the stumps attest.

The Giant Sequoia National Monument is roughly an hour east of Fresno, California. Highway 180 is the most used entrance to the park from the west coast. Upon entering the park, you’ll pass through a ranger station. Drive north from there and hand a left at Grant Grove after traveling just over a mile. Continue until you hit Grant Grove Village. Just after it, you’ll see sign for Stump Meadow. Take a left and start driving. After a couple of miles, you’ll see a parking lot with a sign.

If you’re coming from Los Angeles, the drive will take five hours as will driving from San Francisco. Of course, drive times are dependent on traffic conditions in both cities.

Taking a hike through the Giant Sequoia National Monument is tremendous. It will give you a perspective of Mother Nature that few see.

About The Author

Rick Chapo is with - makers of writing journals for hiking, backpacking and camping. Writing journals are great Christmas gifts for him or her. Visit for more hiking articles and stories.

Home Based Business Programs Reviewed

Home Based Business Programs Reviewed

 by: Chris Rohrer

I have searched the Internet for years now looking for that one perfect work at home business job. I’ve done so many reviews on poor and good programs. I found a good amount of programs that are real work at home business’s that live up to what they offer and say.

Most home business programs make false and miss leading claims making you think there program is the best and you will become rich will zero start up and little work. I found that those are the ones that most people fall prey to and end up wasting there money. I do not put the blame on them though, because some programs can be very miss leading and offer six digit incomes. What I find most people do is get caught up in the moment and start day dreaming about how much money they could make and forget what they are really reading.

Yes you can really work from home but you need to read between the lines of how the program you sign up for works. How it is ran, how it pays, how much is it. These are all key steps to making sure your program is 100% real and not just another scam. Today you look on the internet and there are new home business programs popping up on the Internet every day. Another key thing to look at is how long the program has been around for. If it is fairly new I would stay away from it till someone else dabs into it and then see what they have to say. Let others waste there money on junk work at home programs.

If you are smart and are really looking to earn money working at home. Look for a business program that has been around for at least a year or 2, and has a good rep.

About The Author

Chris Rohrer

I have reviewed many work at home business programs over a years time. I found ones that work and didnt. Learn what the top leading work at home programs are at

Finding A Reputable Moving Company

Finding A Reputable Moving Company

 by: York Packore

Irrespective of where you are moving to, moving is made so much easier by doing some pre move planning.

When you moving it is a great time to itemize all of your belongings and throw out or sell the items that you no longer plan to use or want to keep. There is probably hundreds as everyone always has some. You can have yard sale or donate to a local charities.

if you intend on user a moving company then ask plenty of questions rates and results. If friends or neighbors have moved recently you might like to see if they will recommend a company.

One of the most important issues is availability and whether the company has a truck that will fit your belongings and whether they are free to move you on the day you need to move. Ask if their price is inclusive of boxes, tape, marking pens, dollies, and packing paper. Also ask if their quote includes travelling insurance.

Other questions to oaks include:

1) Do they have membership to the American Moving and Storage Association

2) How long have they been in business?

3) Can they give you referrals?

4) Can they provide a detailed and itemized statement of to be performed?

Moving companies make their charges based on weight, distance, and services provided. You should ask if your quote includes any additional charges for person-hours, packing materials, travel time, and any waiting time (if you can't get into the property straight away). Ask what sort of payment methods the movers will accept and find out if you need to take out your own insurance.

Before selecting any insurance option, understand whether you will be reimbursed based on the extent of the damage and the item's depreciated value, or on your cost to replace the item. Also, be sure to check your homeowner's insurance for any moving damage coverage.

About The Author

York Packore is the developer for YP Moving, the best place on the web for resources on moving. For more information, go to:

"Banking Calories": Eat Less Now To Pig Out Later???

"Banking Calories": Eat Less Now To Pig Out Later???

 by: Tom Venuto

Suppose you’re on a diet and you have a banquet or a holiday party coming up. You’re expecting a big meal to be served for dinner, and there will be open bar with lots and lots of “party snacks.” You’re not sure if there will be any healthy food there, but you are sure that you’re going to be in a festive, partying mood! What should you do? Should you cut back on your food earlier in the day to make room for the big feast?

What I’ve just described is commonly known as "banking calories," which is analogous to saving calories like money because you're going to consume more later, and it’s a very common practice among dieters. If you’re really serious about your diet and fitness goals however, then the answer is no, you should NOT “bank calories! Here's why and here's what you should do instead:

First of all, if you're being really honest with yourself, you have to agree that there's almost always something healthy to eat at any gathering. You know those tables you see at holiday parties that are covered with yards of chips, dips, pretzels, cookies, salami, candies, cheese, punch, liquor, and a seemingly endless assortment of other goodies? Well, did you also notice that there's usually a tray full of carrot sticks, cauliflower, celery, fruit, turkey breast and other healthy snacks too?

No matter where you are, you always have options, so make the best choice you can based on whatever your options are. If nothing else, you can choose to eat a small portion of "party foods" rather than a huge portion.

If you skip meals or eat less earlier in the day to bank calories for a big feast at night, you are thinking only in terms of calories, but yo’re depriving yourself of the valuable nutrition you need all day long in terms of protein (amino acids), carbohydrates, essential fats, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that come from healthy food, as well as the small frequent meals required to stoke the furnace of your metabolism.

Not only that, but eating less early in the day in anticipation for overeating later is more likely to increase your appetite, causing you to binge or eat much more than you thought you would at night when the banquet does arrive.

Eating healthy food earlier in the day is likely to fill you up and you'll be less likely to overeat in the evening. High fiber foods, healthy fats and especially lean protein, tend to suppress your appetite the most.

I don’t like the concept of "banking calories." Your body just doesn't work that way - it tends to seek equilibrium by adjusting your appetite to the point where you consume the same total amount of calories in the end anyway.

Even if it worked the way you wanted it to, why would you eat less (starve) in an attempt to burn more fat, then overeat (binge) and put the fat right back on? Why allow yourself to put on fat in the first place?

A starving and bingeing pattern will almost certainly cause more damage than an occasional oversize meal. Some dieticians might even say that this kind of behavior borders on disordered eating.

A better approach is to stay on your regular menu of healthy foods and small meals through the entire day - business as usual - and then go ahead and treat yourself to a "cheat meal," but sure to keep your portions small.

It should be a big relief to know that on special occasions, whether it's a party, restaurant meal, banquet or holiday dinner, you can eat whatever you want with little or no ill effect on body composition, as long as you respect the law of calorie balance. However, you CANNOT starve and binge and expect not to reap negative consequences.

To burn fat and be healthy, you don't have to be a "party pooper" or completely deny yourself of foods you enjoy, but you do need to have the discipline to stick with your regular meal plan most of the time and control your portion sizes all of the time.

Copyright 2005 Tom Venuto

About The Author

Tom Venuto is a certified personal trainer, natural bodybuilder and author of the #1 best selling diet e-book, "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle. You can get info on Tom's e-book at To get Tom's free monthly e-zine, visit

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wood Pellet Stoves - The Future Is Heating Up

Wood Pellet Stoves - The Future Is Heating Up

 by: Richard Banks

If you are tired of hauling and splitting loads of cordwood, storing it and then carrying it again into the home, but still desire the ambience and radiance of a wood burning stove, then it may be time to check out the benefits of a wood pellet stove. Although on a direct cost comparison basis, the pellet fuel works out more expensive, it does come ready to use, and the wood pellet stove takes considerably less effort to operate and clean.

Using pellets of compressed sawdust, that provide obvious benefits for the home and environment, woodburning pellet stoves come in a wide variety of styles,both traditional and modern, as well as size, finish and heating output. More clean burning than traditional stoves, some wood pellet stoves are equipped with fans and thermostats for distributing the heat output more evenly within the room. As a rule of thumb most wood pellet stoves store about three days fuel, and require on average cleaning once a month; a simple job of just emptying an ashtray. Whilst freestanding wood pellet stoves offer greater design positioning flexibility, fireplace insert models are available as well as wood pellet furnaces that can be installed in basements or outhouses to heat the whole house. Depending on the manufacturer such as St.Croix stoves or Lancaster pellet stoves, these appliances can provide a heat output of anywhere between 10000 and 50000 BTU per hour.

As noted earlier, wood pellet stoves come in a wide variety of styles, sizes and finishes, but the first important decision when making a choice is the basic configuration of the stove. Freestanding pellet stoves offer the greatest flexibility in installation choice. Supported by a pedestal or on legs, freestanding pellet stoves are designed to be installed in almost any living area of the home, but they must be installed on a non-combustible floor protector. An added advantage is that wood pellet stoves can be installed much nearer to combustible surfaces than is required by more traditional heating stoves.

Wood pellet stoves that are designed to be fireplace inserts can be readily installed into existing fireplaces and decorative panels are available to cover the space between the fireplace insert and the fireplace opening. Some wood pellet fireplace inserts are approved only for use in masonry fireplaces, whilst others can also be installed in approved factory built metal fireplaces. Built-in wood pellet stoves are an economical choice that offers homes without an existing fireplace, the look of an insert in a fireplace setting. Non-combustible materials such as brick can be applied to the area around the front of the wood pellet stove to give the appearance of a fireplace. Once again a non-combustible floor protector is required, sometimes with additional spacers to provide an air space under the unit. Pellet furnaces are larger appliances designed to heat an entire house through ductwork. They are usually installed in a basement or outhouse and like all wood pellet stoves require efficient venting to the outside through an approved vent or flue.

As with all types of heating stoves, it is important when installing wood pellet stoves to ensure that they have an efficient means of expelling the waste gases and smoke, usually a chimney or compatible flue. It is advisable to seek advice from a certified dealer/installer who will advise and if required supply and install a suitable venting system. Indeed most suppliers of wood pellet stoves offer a complete installation service.

About The Author

Richard Banks is a contractor with many years experience in home remodelling and improvements. For more information on fireplaces visit Fireplace Capital.

Grocery Shopping The Healthy Menu Mailer Way

Grocery Shopping The Healthy Menu Mailer Way

 by: Susanne Myers

I have to admit, grocery shopping isn’t exactly one of my favorite things to do. In case you can’t “hear” the sarcasm in my voice, let me tell you that I’d rather be doing just about anything other than grocery shopping. I tried delegating it to my husband, but we usually end up eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and potato chips when I do that.

Since I can’t avoid grocery shopping, I found a few things that make it a more pleasant and most importantly a faster process. I’d like to share my grocery shopping tips with you.

1) Make a shopping list and stick to it.

Making a list and sticking to it will keep you from buying too much junk. Not only will it encourage you and your family to stick to the new healthy eating lifestyle, it will also save you some money on your grocery bill.

Please apply common sense to this though. If you remember that you forgot to put your baby’s diapers on the list, by all means get them. On the other hand, if you feel tempted to get the new chocolate pie because there is a two for one sale, skip it. You get the idea.

2) Eat a snack before you go grocery shopping.

Never go grocery shopping while you are hungry. You’ll be much more tempted to buy junk food and already prepared meals. You’ll also end up buying much more than you really need. Either go shopping right after a meal, or eat a small snack before you go. Even eating a piece of fruit and drinking a glass of water will keep you from feeling hungry while you are in the store.

3) Avoid the aisles with the chips, snacks and candy

Don’t tempt yourself by going down the “junk food” aisles. You’re only human and the candy and snack manufacturers put a lot of money into making their products as tempting and appealing as possible. The easiest way to avoid having those items land in your cart is to skip the aisles entirely.

4) Buy fresh meat and produce whenever possible

Buy your meat and produce fresh whenever possible. You’ll get the most nutritional bang for your buck that way. If there is something you either can’t find fresh, or it just doesn’t look good, go with a frozen version. The only exception to this is tomatoes, especially if you are going to cook them anyway. Tomatoes loose their nutritional value quickly after they are picked. If you are making tomato sauce or are using them in a stew or soup, just stick with canned tomatoes. They are canned immediately after they are picked and contain more nutrients than a batch that has been sitting in a truck for days.

5) Write your grocery list with your supermarket in mind

You will make your shopping trip much easier and faster if you keep the layout of your market in mind when you write your shopping list. Think about the departments and isles you go through first and put those items on your list. Mentally make your way through the rest of the store adding your items to your list as you go. You’ll avoid backtracking for an item further down on your list once you are in the store.

6) Clean veggies and herbs

Unpack and clean your vegetables and herbs as soon as you get back from the store. Loosely wrap them in some paper towels and stick them in a Ziploc bag. They’ll be ready to use when your recipes call for them.

7) To freeze or not to freeze?

Portion your meat out depending on how much each recipe calls for. Keep what you will be using over the next two days in the fridge and freeze the rest. With hamburger meat, you may want to freeze any portions you are not using the day you bought them.

You’ll see that by implementing even just a few of these tips, your shopping experience will be more pleasant and most importantly more efficient. You’ll spend less time in the supermarket and more time enjoying your family.

About The Author

Susanne Myers, together with Christine Steendahl, owns and publishes the Healthy Menu Mailer. The Healthy Menu Mailer is a weekly publication that will provide you with a healthy and lean dinner recipe for each night of the week and a grocery list to go along with it. Members also have access to an ever-growing list of breakfast, lunch, snack and desert recipes and a members’ only forum for additional help and support. Join today at

Home Schooling – There Are Some Disadvantages

Home Schooling – There Are Some Disadvantages

 by: Kris Koonar

There are a number of advantages to home schooling your children. They get the educational material you know they should be getting. They get the one-on-one attention you know they deserve. Moreover, they don't encounter any of the problems with schools today like drugs and bullies. While you may know about the advantages, you should certainly take some time to think about the disadvantages to this method of educating your children before you enroll them in your personal academy.

If you think you are ready to home school your children, consider the following. First, think about whether or not you are truly ready to stay at home and spend hours on end instructing your child. Don't forget that being an instructor involves subject area research, create a curriculum, and assessing your child's competence. Next, think about whether or not you truly have the effective teaching skills necessary to help your child understand the concepts you are attempting to teach. You should also make sure that you are able to offer your child subject material that is correct. Furthermore, be sure that you truly understand your child from an academic standpoint. Knowing your child's strengths and weaknesses is an important part of the educational process. In addition to academics, part of the importance of school is socialization. If you are unable to provide activities for you child to help with the socialization process, home schooling probably is not for you. The last thing you should consider is whether or not you feel you can be solely held responsible for your child's education and knowledge.

Home schooling may seem like the perfect answer to your child's education problems, but unless you can competently provide instruction and socialization activities, it would be best to steer clear of the entire process. You want your child to get a good education to help them get a solid start in life, and you simply cannot do that if you are unprepared to dedicate yourself to your child's education.

If you need more information visit to learn about Home Schooling and a High School Diploma or if you prefer phone 1-800-736-GRAD (4723) or email Internet Marketing done by

About The Author

Kris Koonar is President of Crack Marketing ( leading a team of Internet Marketing Consultants with over 5 years of experience and 100's of projects. He is also writer of an Internet Marketing Course called "The Website MBA" ( Kris can be contacted at 1.877.270.7170 or

Airlines: One of the Great Innovations

Airlines: One of the Great Innovations

 by: Frederic Madore

Up, up, and away. Do you suppose Orville Wright had any idea of the enormity of his invention? That the world would be forever changed, by the single possible opportunity of flight?

Airlines, cell phones, and automobiles have made possible the most mobile society in the history of the world. Airlines have made possible the movement of man from one side of the continent to the other in just a few short hours. How did this great marvel of machine come into existence? It all began with a thought. The thought developed into an idea. And because two men believed in the possibility, the idea took shape and form. An airplane was born.

Today’s great jumbo jets have little in common with the early mechanical birds of flight, except the ability to catapult man into the air. We fly today as if it were one of the most natural behaviors for mankind. As if there has always been the opportunity of flight. Past the point of invention, the US Government was the first to actually take flight to a commercial level. A footnote here about the government: If you will notice, some of the greatest inventions of mankind would never have “gotten off the ground” were it not for the intervention of the US government. Air mail service was begun in the United States in 1918, and thus the commercial exploitation of flight.

Since that point in time, the airplane inventions and aircraft uses have quadrupled. So have the airline companies. Today we have Delta, Southwest, American Airlines, TWA, United and Northwest. These are just the national operators. There are so many local, small airline operators that we don’t have room to even begin. And, let’s not forget that the United States Air force is as strong and flight ready as ever. Boeing, perhaps the largest manufacturer worldwide of airplanes, sees to it that our government is fully equipped for all sorts of airline missions. The government has always sponsored the advancement of flight, whether by funding private ventures or by allocating tax money to work on research and development. One more than one occasion our wonderfully managed airlines have needed government assistance to help bail them out of bankruptcy proceedings. The greatest thorn in the side of airline companies in existence today is the inability to operate profitably.

All airlines today offer daily services to the major cities in the U.S., and most connect with the smaller airlines in the rural areas of our country. This is done so that service is available to all travelers, in the hopes of filling the aircraft with as many paying passengers as possible. Airlines must at some point achieve the dream of profitable operation, and begin to look at life in the black, instead of the red.

Now, as you sit back in your nice, air-conditioned flight seat, the beautiful cloudless sky introducing the sun, as it peeps over the horizon, the history of the airplane and the airline companies doesn’t cross your mind. You simply want to know what movie they’re showing during the flight…….

About The Author

Frederic Madore is the founder of the website. Whether you are looking for airlines information or cheap airlines tickets we can help you.

8 Tips On How To Collect Antique Oriental Rugs

8 Tips On How To Collect Antique Oriental Rugs

 by: John Murray

Antique Oriental rugs have become highly sought after and highly collectable. In fact it is said the antique Oriental rugs are a better investment than investing in the stock market. These 8 tips on how to collect antique oriental rugs will keep you buying smart.

1. In the Beginning Don't buy

Now I bet your thinking that's a dumb tip if I'm in the market for collecting antique Oriental rugs. That's because in the beginning you have no idea what you are looking for. Take time to learn before you buy.

2. Buy Books

Begin by purchasing one or more of the collecting books available. Buy as many as you can afford to buy. They are an invaluable resource when identifying antique oriental rugs and they provide a host of other information on Oriental rugs.

3. Use Online Resources

Supplement those books with online resources. There are many sites offering information on antique Oriental rugs. Do a quick search and you'll have enough sites to keep you busy for quite some time.

4. Look at Rugs

Now that you've gained some general knowledge it's time to start having a look at a variety of antique Oriental rugs. Visit shops that sell them and begin by trying to identify where they're from, their age, and their material type. This process will better prepare you for having the ability to recognize an antique oriental rug that has value.

5. Specialize

There are so many types of antique Oriental rugs that you'll want to specialize in a type that interests you. Which styles of rug do you like the most? Once you've found your favorite begin to collect all the information you can find on that style. You'll very quickly gain skills that will make you a superior buyer. Over time you'll build an amazing collection of antique Oriental rugs.

6. Buy An Old Rug

Start by buying a cheap old worn rug. You can take this rug home and put it through the test. Find out about the textures, weaving process, and everything else you can. Don't spend much on it because you are going to dissect it.

7. Start Shopping

Now that you've done some reading, found a style to specialize in and your feeling a little more confident, you can start looking for your first real purchase. Many antique stores, carpet dealer, and auction houses will have antique oriental rugs. Don't forget about what's available online. Have a look around. If you find something that interests you drop the site an email or phone them.

8. Check Auction Houses

Once you get a little experience you'll want to check out some of the well known auction houses like Sotheby's or Christies. Once you know what you are looking for there are some great buys to be had purchasing this way.

Antique oriental rugs will only go up in value over time. Think of them as an investment into your retirement fund. Following these 8 tips to buying antique Oriental rugs will ensure you make sound investments.

About The Author

John Murray makes it easy to go through the carpet buying process and provides tips to keep your carpet lasting long. To learn more and receive your free mini-course visit:

Your Existing Clients. How a few Clicks & Good Response Time will Save You!

Your Existing Clients. How a few Clicks & Good Response Time will Save You!

 by: Anthony Jewell

As you develop your company you will start to pick up clients online. This is when you will start seeing the rewards of your efforts but also when you will start to learn the lessons that will shape your company and its success down the line. This article is to show you how a few minutes of your time and a few clicks of your mouse will save you alot of headaches as well as stress. It is something that we all take for granted but will help make your company more successful and keep your clients happy.

It is as simple as just a few clicks of your mouse. Whether you check emails morning, noon or night you need to get into a routine that allows you to respond back in a reasonable amount of time. So if you are going to respond back to clients in 1, 2, 5, 10, 12, 24 or 28 hours then you need to make sure you are consistent with this. This will build trust in your clients. It will also let them know when to look for mails from you. Always try to respond back in 48 hours or less. The sooner the better. It will make your clients feel safe with their decision to use your company but it will also let them know that you are there for them and that you care about them.

Now you may be thinking that I am making too much out of your response time. Well you could be right and I could be wrong, but more then likely I am right. I know, I know, I hate it when I am right too. I speak on this from personal experience of dealing with clients as well as being a client. Responding back in a timely manner will save your clients frustration as well as worries that they won't hear back from you ever again(you will be surprised how many will think this way). It will also show that you are a professional running a smooth operation.

This is show to be especially true when ever they send you a payment. Never wait more then 12 hours to respond back to your clients when you have received a payment. As soon as they send the payment a little bit of doubt will creep into their mind wondering if you are trustworthy, proove that you are. Unless you have told them otherwise of why your response may be late, get back to them the same day if you can. This will build trust in them as well as their confidence in you and will only make your working relationship better down the line.

This information and practice will prove most valuable when you are dealing with more then one client. You will be able to organize yourself so that you will follow the proper protocols to handle each situation. Your business will run smoothly, your clients will be happy and most important you will be successful!

About The Author

Anthony Jewell has over 6 Years experience in the Web & Graphics World. You can visit my business at

©Copyright 2005 : Feel free to use this article freely but please keep in the copyright

Hair Salon Nightmares? Here’s How To Choose A Good One - Auto Recovery

Hair Salon Nightmares? Here’s How To Choose A Good One - Auto Recovery

 by: Michael Barrows

The number one thing that you can do to guarantee that you always receive the best hair cuts, latest professional techniques and stellar service is to choose the right hair salon. Granted, that is easier said than done. With hair salons on practically every street corner, narrowing down your options to find the right hair salon can be confusing.

Getting a referral to a hair salon by family and friends could be a good way to begin your search. But do not stop there. As you may already know, no two hair stylists take the same artistic approach to their work. That means that a particular stylist or hair salon may do a fantastic job on your Cousin Suzie's long layers and still not be quite able to pull off your short textured crop. That does not mean that your cousin's hair salon is inferior in any way. It just means that you need to find a hair salon that is more suited to your particular style and needs.

The easiest way to find a hair salon suited to your needs is to ask people with hair styles similar to what you want for a referral to their hair salon. These may be people you know or complete strangers that you see while you are out shopping. Do not be shy. If you see a cute style that you have been unsuccessfully trying to achieve, ask the person which hair salon they go to. You may never get a chance to do so again.

Another thing that you can do to make sure that you choose the right hair salon is to schedule a consultation. A consultation allows you to "feel out" a hair salon before making a commitment to a stylist that you may regret. During a consultation, you can observe the different techniques that the staff at the hair salon is using and how they interact with their customers. A consultation also gives you the chance to vocalize what you want and receive feedback from a professional, all before the first snip is made. Most hair salons also have a portfolio that you can look through of before and after pictures, which can give you a sense of what kind of work do.

During your search for the right hair salon, there are some red flags that can be easily detected that can warn you of impending disaster if you choose a particular hair salon. Here are just a few:

" Dirt and grime. A clean hair salon is mandated by the state, but some salons still tend to push the envelope where cleanliness is concerned. Look for sanitary procedures such as the use of clean combs and brushes, sanitary neck strips and a clean work station. If a hair salon feels dirty, do not frequent it. Look at it this way, if the stylists of a particular salon do not take enough pride in their hair salon to keep it clean, why would they take pride in the work they put out the door?

" Professionalism. The hair salon is a professional place, and you should feel like you have stepped into a den of luxury not one more suited to the Saturday nightlife. Again, it's all about pride. Professionals who take pride in their work will strive to create the right atmosphere for their customers.

" Communication. Communication is vital in a hair salon. Observe how the stylists interact with their customers. That is how they will interact with you.

In the end, it may take a little trial and error to find the right hair salon, but you can make your search easier by following the above advice. Always keep in mind, though, that choosing the wrong hair salon is not a death sentence. Simply brush yourself off and keep looking.

About The Author

Michael Barrows' website gives great advice for good hair. Get your free ebook packed with hair style and hair care tips and advice, visit

What Is a Personal Benefit Statement and Why Do I Need One?

What Is a Personal Benefit Statement and Why Do I Need One?

 by: Greg Beverly

We all work very hard on coming up with the benefits of our products or services, (Still, 95% of us do THAT wrong, but that’s for another article) but we rarely think about a personal benefit statement. Specifically, I am referring to what most people call their “elevator speech.” The elevator speech as it is called refers to that 5-7 second opportunity you have to introduce yourself when someone asks, “So Bob, what do you do?” Answer with, I sell widgets for XYZ Company,” and more than likely your conversation is either over or about to head in a different direction.

Instead of responding with “I’m a financial planner,” (dull, boring) how about “I help people create and manage wealth!” Wow! Which of these do you think creates the most interest? Which one do you think might result in you getting a follow up question, which will allow you to go into more detail? Which one will cause the person you are speaking with to raise and eyebrow rather turn to look for an escape route?

Normally, I am not a big fan of using the word “I” to lead off a statement, but here it is almost a requirement. If you can come up with a better way to start, then by all means use it.

My personal statement is “I help sales professionals make more money…and work less.” It’s not perfect and has gone through numerous revisions and will go through numerous others. Notice the pause between making more money and working less. That does two things, it surprises the person that there’s even MORE benefit to doing business with me, and it also gives them an opportunity to briefly visualize making more money before I let them know that it comes with working less!

Just remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect. The important thing is for you to get started and mold and change your statement until it is effective. That’s a key here. Don’t wait until you have perfection. Take a moment right now to come up with a benefit statement. Do it in the least possible number of words. Now take what you come up with and mold it. Try it out on friends and family members, associates, anyone who will listen and give you an honest opinion.

Take your statement public and test it with others. If you get raised eyebrows and questions, you are definitely on the right track. If your conversation ends abruptly and the person you are talking to runs for the hills, it may be time to adjust. A personal benefit statement can set you apart from all of your competitors and I GUARANTEE it will lead to more inquiries…but only if you develop it and use it. Get started on it today! You’ll be glad you did.

About The Author

Greg Beverly helps sales professionals make more money...and work less. He is a sales coach dedicated to helping create abundance for all who seek it. Find out the secrets to becoming a sales champion and living the life of your dreams by visiting today.

Is Your Pillow A Pain In The Neck?

Is Your Pillow A Pain In The Neck?

 by: Patricia Bowlin

Most people don't know that pillows really need to be replaced every few years. They compress and get lumpy, and that's no way to sleep!

You may want to consider Tempur Pedic pillows- they're designed to deliver incredible comfort- and considered quiet the perfect pillow by many.

Tempur Pedic produces state-of-the-art pillows-and are used in most every major fine hotel and resort around the world, where the demand for the best is always in style.

If you've never tried a Tempurpedic pillow, the foam is so dense and supportive you won't believe it! It's no wonder why these pillows are so popular- afterall, this material was developed to provide the ultimate cushioning for US astronauts during liftoff.

If you've had trouble with neck pain because your pillow doesn't support you and align your spine that way it should, you probably have a hard time concentrating and focusing at work, which can be a real problem.

You'll find pillows that cost less than those from Tempur Pedic, but peaceful rest is worth the price, especially if you've been experiencing insomnia, an aching back or neck pain.

Tempur Pedic makes several designs of bed pillow to meet your needs.

Let's look at each one briefly. Then you'll have the facts at hand to choose the very best pillow for your needs.

The Tempur Pedic Swedish Neck Pillow is recommended for people who need a more therapeutic sleep posture to ensure a better night's sleep.

The design contains a dual lobe which supports and cradles the curve of the neck, head and shoulders perfectly. This shape prevents undue pressure on the spine which often causes sleep problems like we mentioned before. You'll need to select the right size to ensure that your head is neither too high nor too low as this can stress the neck and actually inhibit breathing. Size selections range from the Junior, measuring 15 X 10 X 2.5 inches up to the King Medium which measures 34 X 14 X 4 inches. You'll find just the right size pillow for you in this Tempur Pedic line.

The ComfortPillow is a more traditional pillow in appearance. It provides the comfort you want- along with the support you need and fits into your regular pillow cases.

This pillow is available in Standard, measuring 25 X 19 inches or Queen which measures 29 X 19 inches.

The Millennium Neck Pillow provides a curved edge that is lower in the center and higher on each side to keep the neck aligned properly whether you choose to sleep on your back or side. The tilted front edge cradles you upper vertebrae for the most comfort and support imaginable.

This pillow comes in medium, measuring 22 X 13 X 4.2/2.5 inches and Queen Medium which measures 26 X 13 X 4.5/25 inches.

The Classic Pillow can be an inexpensive solution to your pillow needs. It provides support and comfort while using the traditional pillow design. You'll enjoy the neck and head support you need and find that standard pillow cases fit just fine. It measures 22 X 15 X 4 inches.

Have you ever thought about trying a body pillow?

I used to have trouble with my legs getting sore at night because of my side sleeping position. But now I can just wrap my legs around that body pillow and all is well!

Tempurpedic makes an awesome body pillow that will have you sleeping like a baby! It measures 36 X 14 inches, which should be long enough for about everyone.

If allergies or mites are a concern, you'll be very pleased to know that Tempur Pedic products are naturally treated to resist mites and household allergens. No CFCs or formaldehyde are used in these great products so you'll rest in comfort and get a good night's sleep!

Your next favorite pillow may really be Tempurpedic!

About The Author

Patricia Bowlin makes it easy to create a bedroom with flair! Find countless Free tips, ideas and information here on choosing all of your bedding by visiting now

Buying A Used Car From A Dealer

Buying A Used Car From A Dealer

 by: Gregory Ashton

There are many challenges you will face when buying either a new or used car. It depends on the model that you want, how much is the budget, the size of your family and the options that go with it.

If you have an idea on the right car, then a little research on the value of the car in the market to date will be able to help the you when approaching a dealer.

This can be done by checking the internet or looking through the local newspaper before going to the various dealers in the area to make comparisons.

If the ideal car is not available on the lot, the if you tell the dealer about it these people can help by looking for that particular model or offer a similar car similar to your choice.

Since dealers often want to get rid of the cars quickly, it is also possible to get a good deal on what is available as long as it meets your requirements.

Most cars have a maintenance record. The buyer must ask the dealer to see it and if it is not available, then you should contact the dealership or repair shop where most of the work was done.

The buyer has the right to see a copy of the dealer’s warranty. To be safe, you can also ask if a service contract is provided in buying the used car. This contract that is offered by the dealer may or may not provide coverage that is in the manufacturer’s warranty which may cost extra.

Since the warranty usually comes when buying a car and the service contract does not, it is best to ask if you need to avail of by answering some questions;

• What are the differences between the coverage of the warranty and the service contract?

• What repairs are covered?

• Is routine maintenance covered?

• Who will pay for labor and parts if brought to the shop?

• Who is authorized to perform the repairs and where?

• How long does the service contract last?

• What are the cancellation and refund policies?

Just looking at the car will not give information if the car is in good condition. It should be test driven under various road conditions such as the highway or in traffic.

Since most people are not that knowledgeable about cars, it is advisable to bring the car to a reliable mechanic for proper inspection.

About The Author

Gregory Ashton, your resident automobile enthusiast, bringing to you over 20 years of vehicular passion, and expertise; presents for your approval his insider secrets on selecting, buying, and maintianing the car that is ideal for you.

Business Blogging - 5 Tips to Help You Barrel Through Writer’s Block

Business Blogging - 5 Tips to Help You Barrel Through Writer’s Block

 by: Tinu AbayomiPaul

It’s inevitable. Everyone hits the wall. Whether you’ve been blogging ten weeks, ten minutes, or ten months, eventually you’ll find yourself with absolutely nothing to say.

Or so you think.

So what in the world do you do when you’re stumped?

1- Talk about what you’ve already talked about

Pick a topic you’ve gone over before and give it some spin.

Try a new angle, like playing devil’s advocate. For example, if you are a search engine journalist, and last week your position was that most mainstream sites need Google traffic to survive, try proving your point from the “con” perspective, instead of the “pro” position.

There are dozens of ways to write about the same thing. By putting your point another way, you might give someone in your audience what a client of mine referred to as an “Ah-ha!” moment. That's when they realize the true value of the items for sale at your site to them and their business.

2- Talk about what someone else is talking about

If you want to have a popular blog, find other bloggers in similar areas, and talk about what they said in their posts. Friendly debate can often spark the soap-opera like drama that will have both your audiences visiting both blogs to see what “the other fella” had to say.

As an added bonus, if both of you are using Trackback in your blogs, you’ve got yourself a mini-link party that other people who are speaking on similar topics will want to join..

3- Have yourself a good rant

The intimate nature and voice of blogs lends itself well to the opinionated, angry ramble. But as a professional, don’t let yourself get too unfocused, and remember to back up your opinion with facts.

4- Feature someone, something or somewhere

I like to call mine “of the Day”.

As I zip around the Net conducting my business and research, if my attention is called to a resource or tool that my audience might find useful, I hit my blog bookmarklet and save that bad boy for later.

Then when I get too busy for a full blown tip, I’ll crown the resource, feed, tool, download or freebie the featured “Deal of the Day”, changing the word deal to something else more appropriate as needed.

After a while, my audience started to look for it as a feature, as opposed to being upset at the interruption in my mad, mad rambles.

5- Let someone else talk for a change

Invite a guest blogger, or post an article that offers free reprint rights, the same way you would in a newsletter. Of course you want to leave the resource box intact, or let the guest promote their site, which brings me to the most common complaint about this tactic.

“But I don’t want to send people away from my site.”

Guess what? You’ll never believe what I found out. Ready?

In a recent startling discovery, I’ve found that 100% of my visitors eventually turn off their computers or take otherwise drastic measures that cause them to leave my site. Apparently this is beyond prevention, though you can stall them for hours sometimes with good content.

Of course you don’t want to send them on their way prematurely, but if you’re a good blogger, and have done what you can to make sure they sign up to your blog email updates or site feed, they’ll be back. Just be sure that you’re giving them a good enough reason.

In the meantime, since they’re going to leave anyway, it might as well be somewhere that gives you some direct or in-direct benefit.

So there you have it - enough material for five more days of posts.

Happy Blogging!

Copyright 2004 Tinu AbayomiPaul

About The Author

Tinu AbayomiPaul

Need more than five days worth of blog posts? Get more at Or learn more about blogs and RSS at

Monday, July 14, 2008

Blinds The Perfect Window Covering

Blinds The Perfect Window Covering

 by: Betty Fletcher

Whether you are decorating for the first time or the thirty first time, adding blinds to your home can be one of the best ways to go about covering up those windows. The dilemma is this. You want the light to stream in through your home. You want the cold (or the heat in summer) to stay out. And, you must be able to have some privacy from those peeping neighbors. So, what can you cover your windows up that will give you all the advantages that you need? Blinds! There are hundreds of options to choose from. Fabric, wood, faux wood and even plastics can be used. Designs are really unlimited. In short, there are few products that can top blinds.

How To Choose Blinds For Your Home

How will you choose the right blinds for your home? With so many various types out there, you may be feeling overwhelmed. The fact is that you can limit your selections in several ways. In doing this, you will have found the perfect blinds for your needs. Here, ask yourself a few questions like these.

· Consider your need first. What do you want the blinds to do for you? Do you want them to allow light in? Do you want them to block light out? If this is the case, then you can find blinds that virtually blacken a room, perfect for those who are sleeping mid day or need a very dark space anytime of the day.

· Another thing to consider is your need for privacy. How much privacy do you need and want? There are several things to consider here. For example, some blinds will allow in rays of sunlight but will effectively block out the peeping tom’s in your area! Some will offer a wide selection of levels of privacy. Finding the right amount is necessary for each individual.

· Consider the room now. Many people like to put blinds throughout the home that are the same. The problem with this is, though, that unless all the rooms have the same design elements, it may not work. By making the blinds work with the room, you can create the allure of style, fashion, and taste better. For example, think about texture. You may be thinking of installing faux wood blinds throughout the home but is this going to match in texture to each room? Think about the texture, the color, the materials, and the overall look for the blinds you add to the room.

· Make sure to think about the size of the blinds. Do you want the blinds to extend over the window edge? Do you want the blinds to fit within the window frame? Or, you may even consider blinds that actually fit within the panels of the window itself for even more space savings.

Overall, choosing the blinds for your home should be like choosing the paint, the carpet, or the wallpaper that you put in a room. Consider all elements of the design and finished product so the finished result is what you want it to be.

About The Author

This article was made possible by and Betty Fletcher.